Our crazy journey


Once upon a time, I was with my parents, we were preparing our staff to go back home. So, we took our car and drove to the port. Our ship was leaving at 8 o’clock and for no reason, it left 10 minutes before. So we had to wait until another ship that goes to the same destination as the previous ship to come. We waited for hours until the other ship would come. And we went in.

Some hours later when we were close to the middle of the ocean, it started to have a lot of wind. The ship was old and it didn’t have much power, so it was moving lot from the big waves. The storage in the ship was going to the one side of the ship to the other side! Everyone thought that we would end in the water swimming, and almost half of the people in the ship were screaming and their thought came true. A big wave came to the left side of the ship and it took the ship in it. When the wave passed we started to sink so everyone run fast to the lifeboat. Some hours later another boat came and picked us up, it drove us to our home town safely. We felt extremely relieved as we drove.

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  • Enjoyed your story, Iria! You have a creative mind! You should write more stories like these…

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