What makes a perfect friend

Hi everyone!
This week I’ve been thinking about the nature of friendship and the things that are essential for a true friendship. Personally, I feel that by far the two greatest things about friendship are honesty and trust.
Honesty is something necessary for friendship. When you are honest with your friend, you avoid the lies and there is a connection of trust between you and your friend. Honesty is not something that you have for the begin of your friendship, is something that develops when there is trust between friends.
Trust, is something the same essential as honesty in friendship. In case we need help and everyday push you be a better person. Similarly, you need to trust your friend to be honest with him.
At the same time, shared interests is an important thing in a friendship. As people know, when you have the same interests as your friend, we spent more time together and when you have a friendship you need to have time for it. Also, this is a thing that in case if do not have it would cease to exist.
In sum up, honesty, trust, shared interests are essential for a true friendship but is not only that. Take some time to maintain these qualities so that your friendship is valuable.

Maria T.

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