
Nowadays most people will use emails, game consoles, smartphones, computers, TVs internet and more.

In the future most people will use robots to do their jobs, electric cars, special computers, smartphones and cards instead of keys to open doors.


mobile phone

Every day the children have a mobile phone in their hand from morning to night.That’s why it would be better to go out with their friends or even better to go out and enjoy the nature than to seethe screen of the mobile phone.It would also be it is better for children not to have a mobile phone from a young age from 9 or 10 years old and at younger ages because some thing dangerous can happen.In my opinion,it is better for children not to have mobile phone.


We were staring at the board when we heard a noise.

Firstly we thought it wasnt any thing serius but then we

heard a louder noise and then a note appeared on the board.

We  were so terrified and while the noises were getting

louder we tried to get out of the building but suddently

the lights turned off and the door closed . We didnt know

what else to do so we decided to stay together and be calm.

After that we tried to turn on the lightswitch but still

nothing happened so we tried to find were the noises

started and one of my friends reminded us to open our

mobiles flashlight and we saw a ghost in front of us ,

so we started running so terrified that we even broke

the door and right after we heard laughing we looked

behind us and we saw some of our friends laughing at

us, they tricked us!

the end

by Panos Z



Many young children having smartphones and they use it every day. But, smartphones have a lot advantages an disadvantages.

Smartphones for children has advantages. Firstly, with smartphones they can talk with their  friends and sent photos .Secondly they can found information about exercises.

On the other hand smartphones has and disadvantages.For example they can follow unknow and they can damage them. Also  they can theft information for his family or about him.

I think children must have phones to communicate with their parents to know where they are this is my opinion .

Smartphone for children’s?

I write this essay to write the advantages and disadvantages about the young children to have smartphone.

The advantages to have one young children smartphone is that he /she can do many friend’s  to talk to he’s friends of Klm away. Although he /she can she movies and he/ she can play games

But to have one young children smartphone has  and disadvantages. He /she can ethics in one game he don’t  now  if the friend’s of the internet is real or one hacker

Should young children have phones

Because phones these days are very popular a lot of children have phones but is that a good thing.

Phones have a lot of pros. Firstly it’s not very difficult to use for instance new users can easily learn to use it in just some days. Secondly, with it, you can communicate with others pretty easily for example you can send messages or call them from distance. But they have their cons too.

First of all, it’s not cheap so their parents have to spend a lot of money to buy them. Secondly, it can be dangerous because some people can hack or bully internet users but it’s not only that some children play with their phones all the time and that’s not a good thing.

In my opinion, young children should not have a phone at that age but when they’re older.




Smartphone is a machine that changes the life in a lot of people. It’s a very popular way to communicate with another persons in the rest of the world. What exactly are its pros and cons, though?

Smartphones have a lot of advantages. Firstly, smartphones can hold you safe because if you were lost, the GPS go you to your location. It’s a way to get a lot of information on the internet. For example, you can use them to find more information for your history lesson.

On the another hand, many kids have addiction with smartphone games. As a result, they don’t do their homework. The smartphone is easily to get lost or damage, and you have lost a lot of money.

In my opinion, smartphone is like a knife, you can use it to kill a person or you can use it to cut vegetables in a recipe.

The Key

Julius found the key to the door and opened it. He was speechless. After what he saw that day he was traumatized,he tried to tell his friends but they didn’t believed him at all! So one day as they were hanging out he told them what he saw. First,he found the key in his garden. After that,he wondered where it can be used. So he went to his neighbour’s old house. He opened the door and his eyes were terrified. As he walked in, he heard a lot of noises. He walked into the living room and he saw 5 people who looked like his friends. After he was done with telling the story,again his friends didn’t believe him. So,ge went again and recorded a video. That time he talked to those people and he found that his friends were those 5 people.


  • At first week of Easter I played video games,I went to the church I visited my grandparents,played with my friend Theologos and I went for shoppings. At Good Friday my family and I went to the church and came on epitaphios of  Jesus Chris. At Easter Saturday  morning my mum cooked delicious food and at night we went to church and with  my friend we  threw fireworks . Then at home we ate very delicious food.
  • At Easter Sunday morning we went to Scalohori and ate lunch with my mums family. There was DJ Gregory who chose music for us and we danced and laughed a lot. At afternoon we went to Pallini my god mothers house and stayed for two days.
  • At first day of May  we went to my village Plomari and there I went for fishing ,for swimming ,I growed vegetables and I spent time with my gradmums.

I really enjoyed myself and had good memories with my family.


Julius found the key to the door and opened it. It was the key which opened the door to the attic. His grandma told him that there was something mysterious, living there. They had lost the key but one day they found it . It was behind the fridge. When his grandma went to the grocery store. Julius decided to go up there. He was kind of scared. He heard a very strange noise. He screamed . But up  there was the family cat Whiskey. She hid some of her kittens to protect them. He was so relieved and returned back to his room.


Nikola Tesla was a Serbian-American engineer and physicist. He was born in 1859 in Smiljan, Croatia. Tesla studied Maths and Physics at the Technical University of Graz and philosophy at the university of Prague. He invented the first alternating current motor (AC) and developed AC generation and transmission technology. Tesla died in his hotel suite room on January 7, 1943 85 years old .

Finding your keys

The finding your keys app is an app that scans your house. It’s a very nice app because it can help people when they don’t know where are their keys.

The app is simple you just scan your house and it finds your keys. It’s free in the play store.