Day: 20 February 2021

Roller skating in the supermarket

Once upon a time Jack, Zoe and their mum were outside the supermarket. Zoe and Jack saw a boy who was roller skating. In the supermarket, the boy was running so fast and hit Jack. They fell down and mum was very angry and shouted at the boy. The boy said sorry.


My Book Review

Who wrote this book
David Mckee.

What is this book about?
This book is about Elmer the elephant who is different from the other elephants!!!!

My Favourite part
My favourite part is when he lifted his trunk and at the top of his voice shouted BOOOOOOO !!!!!!!!

How many stars?
I give this book ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Do you recommend this book?
I recommend this book because it is very beautiful!

The end!

Elmer the patchwork elephant

My Book Review

Who wrote this book
David Mckee.

What is this book about?
Elmer, the elephant.All elephants had the same colour, but Elmer was different. He was patchwork: yellow, green, black, purple, orange, pink, white and blue.

My Favourite part
When Elmer shouted: BOOOO!!!

How many stars?
I give this book ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Do you recommend this book?
I recommend this book because I liked the story.

The end!


My Book Review

Who wrote this book
David Mckee.

What is this book about?
This book is about an elephant that was different from the other elephants. His name was Elmer and his colour was patchwork. Elmer was not elephant colour. He was very funny and he was making jokes with the other elephants, his friends.

My Favourite part
My favorite part is the momment that all elephants painted with different colours and Elmer painted elephant colour. That day named Elmer’s day!

How many stars?
I give this book ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Do you recommend this book?
I recommend this book because it was funny.

The end!


Once upon a time there lived some pirates who looking for a big treasure  as they searched  and searched until the treasure was found and the went to sleep as the were sleeping a rabbit went and picked it up the next morning the piratessaw that the treasure was missing  they went and searched everywhere but then they  saw a rabbit having their treasure and taking it in a river to put his carrots in so the pirates lost their treasure.

My bedroom

In my bedroom thereis one bed.

There are a lot of toys.There is a desk and a chair.There is a bookcase.

Also there is a big window next to the bed.My bedroom is light purple.

Funny food 😅🥝

This is my funny food biscuit 🍪. It’s salty bitter and fanny . Look there are a lot of tomato 🍅 . There aren’t many cocoa , Just two for the eyes ! There is some cheese 🧀 for the nose.And what is there for the mouth ? Some onions .


My Book Review

Who wrote this book
By David Mckee.

What is this book about?
This book is about a elephant different colour. Name of elephant is Elmer, and he liked it different.

My Favourite part
My favourite part is when rain colourful and all elephants very happy!

How many stars?
I give this book ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Do you recommend this book?

The end!