Day: 13 February 2021


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My favorite dish

My favorite dish is pasta with minced meat. It is served with cheese. It is my favorite food because it is very tasty. It is a very famous dish in Greece. And my favorite sweet is ice cream.


Salut! Je m’appelle Maritine. Je suis greque. Je deteste le baba aur rhum. J’adore le yaourt. J n’aime pas le steak. J’aime  le riz. J’ai faim!!!

My favourite musical instrument 🥁

My favourite musical instrument is drums because a wonderful musical instrument.I like play drums because I like listening 👂 to music 🎵.My color 🥁 red black grey and white.with two brown steaks.I love 💕 the drum 🥁 because I heard my l feel is playing with it.l sometimes playing my friend GEORGE drums.He sometimes comes to my house 🏡 and we play a favourite song .We believe I hope you will love ❤️ the drums 🥁 from love l.

Myn favourite dish.

I have two favourite dishes.The first is pasta with meat and the second favourite dish is chicken with potatoes.I don’t forget the sweets.I love sweets.