Day: 22 September 2020

The White Tower

The White Tower is a very famous building in Greece and it decorates Thessaloniki.Its cylindrical shape makes it unique.It is 33.9m tall, it has 71.3m perimeter and 22.7m diameter.The Byzantines  built it in 1535 and it was called  Lion Tower, Kalamaria fortress, Tower of the Janissaries and Blood Tower in the past.The Turkish demolished the protective wall in 1901.Many tourists visit it every year.

The tree building

  This building is 100 m tall. It’s a very strange building because it looks like a tree. It has 5 floors. This building is made for peace for us and for nature. Everyone likes this building in the whole world. Also, it has 10 windows. It’s one of the best buildings in history because of that it has only natural items.

The city times

Now days teenagers have the option to talk to each other online. Some of the teenagers prefer to talk face-to-face, both of this options have their advantages and disadvantages.

Texting online is easy and doesn’t take long. Whenever you are you can send a message or a Gif to a friend, you can also see if they’re online or not. The only disadvantages are that by texting online you don’t express your feelings as you would do face-to-face and sometimes online chatting can get your attention while you’re doing something important like studying.

A part of teenagers prefer to say what they want to each other face-to-face. Despite the problem of citys that everything is far from their home they find ways to meet and talk and also express their feelings with the way they talk or move their hands. The positive side of meeting with someone is that you have the ability to do something together, the negative part is that the weather could be bad and don’t let you do what you want

In my opinion teenagers have to find a way to combine them because both of the options have very good advantages despite their disadvantages.

My fantastic building <>

The funscraper is a big building with a lot of windows and floors. The building is in Athens, Greece. It is very tall it is 250 m. Inside it has two big shopping malls, ten offices, two big rooms for playing video games and twenty fun fairs for this it is named funscraper. The funscraper is unique because it has a lot of shapes!!!